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2014-02-04 02:17:16
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath grinned and created a giant fire ball then blasted it down to island.

Roman stopped in his tracks."He's her what now?" He raised an eyebrow.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer created a ball of lava and shot it to another area. There were no living creatures other than the plants and maybe some insects. Eden had definately been there.

"Soulmate dumb dumb. He's her soulmate!" Antoinette squealed.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath sent thousands of fire balls down to the island while he laughed.

"Are you sure?" Roman asked cause he need to be 100% sure before he got excited.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly and destroyed the island with him.

"Duh! Look at him! You know Andre, he would never grab you like that but his mate just died in front of him.." Antoinette giggled softly, clapping her hands.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman grinned and picked Antoinette up then spun her around."Yassss!!"

Luciana groaned as she sat up in the Source of Hell, she looked around very confused as she stood up naked. "Oh I remember. Damn...." She muttered as she looked around at the rivers."Which one did I blast you into motherfucker?" She asked to herself because she knew she was alone. Luciana looked back and she saw her wings, she smiled and felt tears in her eyes."Your back to normal...." She whispered to her wings, her brilliant white glorious wings. She wrapped her wings around herself."I'll be more careful and take better care of you. I promise weekly wing masks." She smiled. She was more happy about having her wings back than being alive again. "First I need clothes." She chewed on her bottom lip as she randomly started walking around all the different rooms, and hidey holes in the Source Of Hell just trying to find some clothes because she was not walking or flying out of here naked.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette hugged him and laughed, "Right?! Oh, I'm so excited. The curse should be broken right?"

Andre walked up to the source of hell and stared at the doorway that was refusing to let him in. He shrugged a bit and knocked. He could try right?

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "To my knowledge yeah the curse should be broken....I think. Don't quote me." Roman set her down on the floor.

Luciana froze when she heard a small echo. She frowned in mid-air wondering who and what the fuck was that. She shook her head, she would deal that later after she finds clothes. She spend a few minutes flying around until she found the room she had been looking for. She walked in it held all of Wrath and Luciana's baby things but she knew there was a box full of her birth mothers things. It took her a while until she found the box named 'Diana'."Mum...." She whispered as she opened the box and she grabbed a dress. She looked at the dress and she made her wings disappear then she pulled the dress on. She put the lid back onto the box, put it back were she found it then she left room."Bye mum." She whispered and went to the front doors of the Source of Hell wearing a 20's style red flappers dress.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned, "If it's not I'll be so sad.

Andre waited by the front doors and realized how creepy that might be, so he took a few steps back and started pacing back and forth.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Same." Roman frowned.

Luciana let her wings out and she flew to the front door and she grunted as she pulled it open."Why to heavy door, huh? Oh the struggles are real....." She complained.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sighed, "We'll wait right here for them.

"You should imagine mine.." Andre said softly when he saw her, walking over to help her shove the door open.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "In the middle of the hallway?" Roman asked.

Luciana looked down."Hey Andre." She smiled as she flew down."What struggles do you have that weigh the same amount as that bloody door?" She asked as she landed on the floor.

2016-12-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded. "Yes." she was dead serious, moving to sit down in the middle of the hall.

"That I unkowingly helped poison you.. That I yelled at you when you were ill.. That I didn't see that you were sick... That you died." Andre said softly. "I'm supposed to be your friend."

2016-12-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Serious? Gurl are you playing with me?"Roman raised an eyebrow at her.

"Wow....hold on Captain Overload. First you didn't know those drinks had poison in them. It's not like you came up to me and force fed me poison cause if you had then I would be whooping your ass all over this place. Second of course you yelled at me cause I was shouting back at you and being a mother fucking bitch. I'd be yelling too. Thirdly how on earth, hell or heaven to know I was ill, I keep that shit private. I hate being weak, so I keep my illnesses to myself and get on with life. Fourthly how the fuck is it your fault I died? Did you come up and stab me in the chest? No. Michael killed my ass but I got the cunt back. It felt so good from what I remember. And finally well duh of course your my friend or like I said I would be whooping your ass. So cool your jets, Frenchy." Luciana smiled.

2016-12-12 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette raised a brow at him. "I don't play boy-o." she plopped down.

Andre opened his mouth to argue all that and then sighed because she was the boss. "Aye aye General Overload." he smiled a little.

2016-12-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Damn...."Roman muttered then sat down with a sigh next to her in the hallway.

"Pffft! It's Princess Overload." Luciana smiled a little. She felt something....she wasn't sure what it was, a strong emotion she felt towards Andre. She shrugged a little pushed those feelings aside, she would deal with it later.

2016-12-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little at him and nudged him with her elbow.

Andre nodded, "Of course, how silly of me. Forgive me." He gave her a deep bow."

2016-12-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "I feel foolish. This is ruining my rep." Roman pouted.

Luciana rolled her eyes."I should get back to the castle. Dad, Wrath, Lilith, Antoinette and everyone will be wondering if I came back or not." She flicked her hand and a portal appeared."Too far to walk. I could fly but I ain't carrying you. Come on, Frenchy."

2016-12-15 [GlamGamer]: "What rep?" Antoinette scowled, "Reputation about what?"

Andre just smiled, he was just glad they were back to normal, "Are you calling me fat?" He joked.

2016-12-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "My rep is souly on not being a fool."Roman teased.

"Yes, I'm calling you fat. You seen your stomach?" Luciana poked his stomach."Boop. Now get yo fat ass into that portal or I'll make you walk."

2016-12-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette pretended to be offended, "Rude.. How dare you call me a fool." She sniffed and put her nose in the air.

"Oi! That's all muscle thank you." He walked into the portal.

2016-12-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm not saying your foolish. I'm saying I feel foolish sitting on the floor when I know she's going to the kitchen or some place to get food. You get hungry after you get reborn." Roman said softly as he hugged her."Don't be mad."

"Riiiighht." Luciana rolled her eyes as she walked into the portal, appearing in the kitchen.

2016-12-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little, "You're so used to Jo now that you thought I was actually mad.. Do Roman cuddles work to calm her down?" She chuckled softly.

Andre pulled his shirt up, mostly revealing bruises from the beating Michael had given him, "Alright.. It's a bit of fat. Haven't been dancing or working out lately."

2016-12-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "I don't hug Jo. I'm too scared she'll punch me." Roman chuckled.

Luciana closed the portal and looked at Andre, she saw his bruises."Damn....Michael got you good." She frowned then she grabbed a paper towel. She started spitting on it as she walked over to Andre. She wiped it on his bruises, healing them. "It's either this or licking your stomach to heal you."

2016-12-15 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette laughed, "Maybe if you hug her tightly enough.. Course, then you'd have to hug her forever." She smiled and then frowned, "Wait, were is Jo?"

Andre tried not to think about that suggestion, "Thank you.. You didn't have to." He said after clearing his throat.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman shrugged."I don't know."

Luciana shrugged."I did cause your my friend. So yeah." She finished healing him.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head a little, "Okay, but last time you didn't know where she was she was in a fight with a demon trying to get out of Hell remember? He was going to open a portal for her if she won and she was close too. And if she gets out of Hell, I'm pretty sure Lucifer gets mad at you." She gasped, "Oh! I twisted his ear..." She whispered, it had finally hit her what she'd done."

Andre nodded and leaned against the counter, "Well, thank you... You want me to cook?"

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman was so confused."Twisted his ear? Gurl?"

Luciana shrugged."Depends on what your going to make me."

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: "Lucifer was holding Andre by the throat cause he accidentally poisoned Luciana and so I ran over and pinched.. And twisted his ear.." Antoinette said, looking guilty as sin.

Andre chuckled softly, "Only the finest French cuisine," He made his accent particularly thick, "Snail and frogs legs."

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "You pinched and twisted the King of Hell's ear? Are you serious? You did that? Do you have a death wish? Why would you do that? What does this have to do with Jo and where she is?" Roman blurted out all those questions, one after the other. He couldn't believe what he had heard.

Luciana screwed up her face."No. Hell no. Fuck no. Nae chance. Not a hope in Hell you could get me to eat that." She shook her head and pretended to gag.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: "I don't know! Oh, what it has to do with Jo is she's the one who taught me the move.. Just in case Michael go too close.." She cringed, "I have to hide.. Find Jo." She hopped up to her feet.

Andre laughed, and shrugged, checking the fridge, "Umm... I can do several things, a full breakfast with either pancakes or waffles. Or a breakfast burrito.. Or tacos. Or steak..." He looked in the freezer, listing off a few more things, like nuggets and pizza rolls.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman got to his feet."Gurl your all over the place. Calm down."

Luciana smiled."All of it. I'm hungry and getting reborn takes a lot of energy. I promise I will eat all of it."

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: "Roman. I twisted the King of Hell's ear. His ear!" Antoinette looked around and frowned a little. "Where is he anway... I should be dead by now.."

Andre raised one brow but nodded. "As you wish." he got started, getting her a snack to munch on while he cooked.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "When Wrath died and came back the first time around...Lucifer destroyed an island. So that would be my guess." Roman shrugged.

"I'm going to go get changed. I'd rather not wear this flappers dress anymore." Luciana said.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: "An entire island!" To her it sounded horrible, of course she was earth and water fey; hurting plants and animals was not something she could ever do.

Andre looked at her, "Aww.. I like it." He teased, smiling a little.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman nodded."Yup." He said as if it was perfectly normal to him.

Luciana rolled her eyes and flipped him off."Well I don't. I'll be back." She said then she left the kitchen and went to her room to change.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette pouted a little, "Poor island.."

Andre smiled a little, watching her leave and then got back to cooking.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "He buys islands just in case is children die." Roman smiled.

Luciana walked into her room, she took off the flapper dress and got changed into a pair of white booty shorts and a white crop top then she pulled on a sleeveless grey cardigan. She slipped on a pair of gold and white flat dolly shoes. She walked out of her room and went back to the kitchen. 

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: "Still.. The plants didn't do anything wrong.." She frowned and then sighed, "Well.. Let's go find Luciana.. Guess she's not coming this way."

Andre had a plate of food for her, a breakfast burrito which is what had finished first.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "I thought you wanted to find Jo?" Roman asked.

Luciana walked into the kitchen."Food. I smell food." She smiled happily.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little, chewing on her lip lightly because she was torn between finding Jo and going to Luciana. "Ok.. Jo first.. Where do the street fights happen again?"

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "This is Hell. Fights happen all the time but the most popular place is on Cinder Lane. It's where Wrath use to fight and make a killing at."

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little, "Ok.. Let's go there first."

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman nodded."Okay. Lets go." He said as he started making his way out the castle.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette followed him out of the castle and through the city. There were places Wrath had not taken her yet and he also didn't like when she went exploring on her own since not all the demons knew exactly who she was.

Jo was there, working out a bet with one of the better fighters to help get her out of hell. After all, she had done her job right?

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman walked through the streets of Hell with his wings out just so people knew he was the son of the nice Archangel. He soon found Cinder Lane."Down here." he whispered as he took Antoinette down the Lane.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette stuck close to him, looking around. She sighed a little when she spotted Jo in the center of a group that was forming to watch her get pummeled by the demon.

2016-12-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman looked around and saw Jo."This will not end well." He sighed as he walked over to the group with Antoinette.

2016-12-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little. She knew enough about demons that they couldn't step in and stop the fight. Not without getting in one themselves. "Will you open a portal for me so I can take her back to earth once she's healed from this ridiculous fight." She sighed heavily.

Jo was ready, she also knew that this might not be a fight she would walk away from.

2016-12-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "That's if she makes it out alive."Roman muttered.

2016-12-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at him, panic on her face. "Roman.."

The fight had already started though. To her benefit the demon underestimated her, so the first few hits were hers and she was able to dive or duck out of the way, until the demon grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back to him

2016-12-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Roman saw the look of panic on her face."Call Wrath. He can stop the fight."

2016-12-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette pulled out her phone and called Wrath. When he didn't answer she hung up without leaving a voicemail and tried again.

The demon held Jo by the throat and lifted her into the air. She used that to kick him in the face and he dropped her. But before she could catch her breath he lifted her up again by the front of her shirt and slammed her into the ground. There were several cracking sounds and Jo let out a gurggled scream, coughing blood up as he lifted her again and slammed her once more.

"Jo!" Antoinette screamed, dropping her phone and running forward- unfluring her wings at the same time. She used them to slam into the demon, sending him flying and breaking one of her wings at the same time. She knealt next to Jo, "Jo? Jo!" She let out a yelp when the demon grabbed her by her wings and flung her around, slamming Antoinette into a wall.

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath has answered his phone when Antoinette had called the second time."Hello? Antoinette?" He asked then he growled when he heard her screaming in the background."Antoinette!!!" He shouted then he opened a portal to Hell, flew in and he started tracking Antoinette's phone. He soon found and flew into the middle of the fighting."Enough!" He growled and grabbed the demon by his neck, snapping it and he let go of his dead body. He looked over at Antoinette and saw her laying on the ground and his anger had gone to boiling point. He growled as his body burst into white fire, his wings came out and he started attacking all the demons involved with the street fighting.

"Awww hell." Roman muttered then he rushed over to Jo, he sprinkled healing dust over her then picked her up and carried her over to Antoinette. "Antoinette?" he asked as he laid Joe next to her.

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette groaned softly, pushing heself up. "Ow." she muttered, wipping at her arm- smearing bloid and dirt as she dusted gravel away. She looked at Jo, checking her over, "Thank you." she said to Roman and then got up with a wince. "Wrath?" she walked over. She hoped he wouldn't be mad at her.

Jo looked up at Roman, "I just want to be free." she whispered before passing out, trembling. Even though she was healed her body was still processing the shock.

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath stood panting softly surrounded by very dead demons, he was covered in blood and dirt. He looked over at Antoinette with a face full of anger but his face softened at the sight of her. He walked over to her, he cupped her face gently in his hands and kissed her softly for a moment. Wrath broke the kiss with a small sigh. "How hurt are you?" He asked softly.

Roman nodded at Antoinette then he looked down at a very passed out Jo. "I know you do." He sighed.

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: "Broken wing.. Just bruised otherwise." she didn't care about the blood he was covered in, she wrapped her arms around him. "He was going to kill Jo.. I didn't know what to do. Roman said you'd be the only one who could stop it but then.." she shook her head a little. "Don't be mad.."

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath held her close and kissed the top of her head. "I'm not mad at you. I was mad at the demons that I killed." He said softly then he looked over at Roman." Dust Antoinettie now, Roman."

"Got it, LJ." Roman said as he stood up and walked over to Antoinette and blew healing dust over her."It won't hurt, it will just tingle."

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little and smiled at Roman. She frowned a bit, not really liking the tingling. "Is she going to be ok?"

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah she'll be fine after a few days rest." Roman smiled.

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: "Oh she's going to be pleasant." Antoinette shook her head a little and looked at Wrath.

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh I know." Roman chuckled softly.

Wrath cupped Antoinette's face."Don't scare me like that again." he said softly.

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little. "Promise.. I wont be coming to this side of Hell for a very long time.." she leaned up and kissed him, "You can go back to destroying the island with your dad.."

2016-12-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good." Wrath kissed her back. "We stopped when Luciana sent us a selfie then I saw your missed call and I answered the second phone call, came here and left dad blowing up islands."

2016-12-21 [GlamGamer]: "Luciana!" she gasped. "Can you take me to her? I haven't seen her yet. I wanted to find Jo and well.. You know.." she looked at Roman, "Do you need help getting her settled in?"

2016-12-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Naw. I got this." Roman smiled.

"Come on. Luciana will be happy to see you." Wrath said as he picked Antoinette up and flew into the air then towards the castle."Text her to find out where she is and tell her to open up a window."

2016-12-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette squeaked and waved bye to Roman before pulling out her phone and texting Luciana.

2016-12-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was stuffing her face full of food that Adrian had made her. She picked up her phone when she heard it chime and she smiled a little. She sent Antoinette a photo of all the food and empty plates to show her where she was.

2016-12-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette laughed, "Kitchen." She told Wrath and then she put her arm around his neck and leaned up, kissing his jaw.

Andre was working on more food for her, "Just tell me when you're not hungry anymore."

2017-01-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded and flew towards the Garden Room which is the Royal family room that has a small kitchen, living area and bathroom. It had pretty much everything. He knocked on the window. "Open up, Luciana." He called.

Luciana smiled."Oh I will." She said to Andre then she looked over at the window and frowned when she saw her brother covered in blood. She shrugged it off and walked over to the window, opening it for them."Sup bruh. Hey Antoinette." She smiled as she stuffed her face full of brownies.

Roman picked up Jo and opened up a portal to the human world, he walked into the portal with Jo in his arms. He appeared with Jo in his mothers small French castle. Roman had gained the house many many years ago upon the death of his mother and he has lived in this house since then. Roman carried Jo to one of the guest rooms and left her in there.

2017-01-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little when they got there, hopping out of Wrath's arms and rushed over to Luciana, takling her with a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok."

Andre chuckled softly, setting out a plate of food.

Jo wasn't asleep for much longer, but she didn't know where she was when she woke up. She looked around, frowning a little. Unless she had died and gone to Heaven, she just knew that she wasn't in Hell anymore. She sat up quickly, wincing a little because her body was still healing. She frowned a little. She'd never felt so calm before. Normally she would be on her feet and running, she didn't feel the need to.

2017-01-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana hugged Antoinette back."I can't die....well not really, ya know." She smiled as she kept on eating brownies.

Roman was out in the garden picking herbs. Its here he makes all his dust because his mother had taught him how.

2017-01-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded, "I know, but.. It was still heartbreaking."

Jo got out of the bed and wandered to the window. After frowning for a little while she realized they were in the human world again. It made her smile and she left the guest room, looking for the closest door that would lead her outside. She got a little lost before finding a balcony, bursting outside to feel the sun on her face again.

2017-01-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."I know and I'm sorry but on the Brightside you can go back to being Queen of the Fae again cause with Michael trapped forever your free to come and go as you please. You can go and see Rosette, Damion, Claude, Victoria and everyone." She smiled.

Roman let his silver wings out, stretching them and enjoyed the French summer sunlight as he collected more herbs.

2017-01-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette's smile disappeared, "I don't know if that's a good idea.." She whispered, "I've betrayed them all."

Jo took in a deep breath and turned her face up to the sun, basking in it for a little bit. She finally opened her eyes and looked around, spotting Roman in the garden below. She liked his wings, but made herself turn away. "No getting attached." She reminded herself and moved away from the edge of the balcony.

2017-01-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana narrowed her eyes a little."Uh-huh and how have you betrayed them all again? I forget."

Roman stood up and turned around and saw Jo go back inside. He flew up to the balcony."You can stay or you can go. It's up to you." He said as she stood on the balcony railings.

2017-01-02 [GlamGamer]: "I lied to them Luciana.. All of them. And so many people have been killed or hurt; thinking they're fighting in the name of their fallen Queen.. When in reality I've been in Hell enjoying the company of my hot teacher and his family.."

Jo jumped and squeaked in surprise, "Don't do that.." She muttered softly, frowninge. She hadn't let her guard down enough to be startled in a long time. "It's creepy. What would your parents say?"

2017-01-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Rosetta will hug you while she cries with happiness until either Damion or Thorn pulls her off you. Claude will spin you in the air and tell you not to fake your death again. Victoria will be happy your alive again. Damion will grab you in a bear hug in which Rosetta will escape from Thorn and join in on the bear hug. That is how it will go then you explain what happened. They will understand why it happened and so will your people. Have faith in your friends, and your people Antoinette." Luciana shrugged as she walked over to Andre."What ya cooking?" She grinned.

"Mother would remind me of my manners and my father would remind me to apologise." Roman smiled a little. "But like I said you are free to stay or go. I don't use my mother castle that often. Oh and we're in France in case your wondering. I can take you back to the States if you want or anywhere in the world."

2017-01-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little, knowing she was right. But she was still a little nervous that it wouldn't happen that way.

Jo leaned against the door frame, arms crossed as she looked at the floor, "Did Lucifer give you permission or is it that you finally got tired of me and would rather deal with his anger than me?" She looked at him.

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked over at Antoinette."Trust me. They miss you so much. Hell they still don't speak to me because they still believe I'm the big bad evil Princess from Hell. Well I am that..." She chuckled.

Roman shrugged."You wanted to be free, so your free now." He smiled a little.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head, "You're only a little evil." She teased, smiling a little.

Andre finished focusing on what he was cooking, "Sorry. this sauce is tempermental.

Jo nodded a bit, "So you're tired of me." She said and nodded a bit, "I'll go then.." She smiled, looking back up to the sky, "I missed the sun.." she pushed off the doorframe and turned away

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana chuckled. "I'm the daughter of the most evil villain in the world. I'm always going to be evil." She said to Antoinette with a wicked smile then she looked at Andre." Ohhh what sauce?"

"I'm not tired of you. Far from it. However I know you long to be free and I am giving you what you want the most, Jo." Roman said loud enough for her to heard.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled and looked at all the ingredients. "Ooooo... It's his quenelles of pike with his Lobster sauce.. It's so good."

Jo froze, closing her eyes. No getting attached she reminded herself. But she couldn't walk any further away from him.

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "It smells amazing." Luciana smiled.

"Theres a key to the castle, so you can come and go as you please and help yourself to any of the cars or bikes in the garage." Roman said then he flew into the sky.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Andre chuckled softly, "It's so good. So bad for you, but so good."

Jo turned just in time to watch him fly away. She took in a shaky breath and walked away, her walk quickly became a run. Because that's what she did. She ran away from things that meant an emotional connection. They terrified her.

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "I like bad things." Luciana grinned.

Roman knew she needed time so he flew down to the blossom tree near the end of his property, he land on the lush green grass and smiled at his mothers grave."Boy do I have a story for you, mother." He sat down on the grass and told his mother about the drama over the past few months.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Andre chuckled softly. "That's good. Since I'm making a triple chocolate cake."

No finally found a door that led outside. Since she wasn't coming back she wasn't going to take one of his cars. She would find her way around better without it. She made it to the end of the drive when her feet wouldn't walk forward anymore. She took a breath and looked around, finding a place to sit in the grass.

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Chocolate cake?" Luciana whispered with a grin. "I love chocolate cake."

"You love chocolate cake more than anything else in the world, sis." Wrath said as he climbed into the window to the kitchen.

Roman chatted to his mothers grave about all the drama.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Andre chuckled softly, "I hoped you might. It'll be ready soon."

Antoinette chuckled softly. "You're going to love it."

No argued with herself, sighing heavily. "I guess.. I mean.. It can't be that bad." she whispered

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "How soon?" Luciana raised an eyebrow.

Roman picked at the weeds around the grave as he chatted.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: "Thirty minutes. It had to finish baking." he chuckled, setting plates of food out for her and the other two.

Jo groaned, closing her eyes and dropping her head into her hands. Everything she'd been emotionally attached to had been ripped away from her. Except this time she was doing it to herself. She stood up and turned back to the castle. "You're an idiot Jo." she whispered before walking back towards the castle

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Half an hour?" Luciana pouted. "Your breaking my heart here." She faked cried and hugged Antoinette."Hold me from the horror."

"I'm so sorry I've not been up keeping your grave, mother. Forgive me but like I said I had been pretty busy with the family." Roman said softly as he finished weeding, knowing if his mother was alive then she would tell him off.

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette laughed, wrapping her in a hug. "There there. It'll be ok. It's the best cake ever."

Jo walked around until she found Roman. "That would also be partially my fault. I'm a handful." she said softly.

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "It better be the best cake ever or I'll kick off." Luciana muttered.

Roman turned his head and smiled a little."Not your fault. It would be Uncle Micheal's fault. Mother was never a fan of him anyways."

2017-01-03 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette laughed. "Now eat this. It's one of my favorites."

Andre shook his head a little and started making the icing.

Jo shrugged and nodded. "Maybe.. But you might have had a chance to come home if I wasn't being a brat."

2017-01-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana took the food and took bite."Mmmmm...." She smiled s she chewed.

"I wasn't going to just leave them. There family, Jo. You don't leave family behind." Roman said softly.

2017-01-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre finished the frosting and put it in the fridge before pulling out the cakes from the oven. He put them on cooling racks and pulled out the chocolate chips he was going to add between layers and on top.

Jo looked down, flinching a little at that, "You might not.. Roman, but that's because you're good.."

2017-01-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "Luciana did you eat all of this?" Wrath asked as he pointed to the pile of dishes by the sink and to the empty plates on the table.

"Yup. Rebirth makes me hungry." Luciana shrugged then she gasped when she saw the cake. "Oh hello and you are going to have fun." She grinned.

"It's hard to be bad when your an Angel." Roman chuckled softly.

2017-01-07 [GlamGamer]: Andre chuckled softly, "I had a couple bites too." He said as he concentrated on the cake.

Antoinette just smiled a bit, shaking her head.

Jo shrugged a bit, "True, but I've got angel in me.." She frowned a little, "Maybe all of my goodness was in my wings."

2017-01-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana grinned as she looked at Wrath and Antoinette."Check this out." She said as she let her brilliant white Morningstar wings out.

"Holy fuck...your wings are back to normal. Your have Morningstar wings again...."Wrath said softly.

Roman frowned a little."Jo, I was joking. Not all Angels are good. Uncle Michael is the prime example for that. Jo you have goodness inside of you otherwise you wouldn't have protected your cousins like you have."

2017-01-07 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled, "Bet you're excited."

Jo looked at him, shaking her head, "I'm not though.. I protected Antoinette because she's my only family left. And I just couldn't wait to get out of Hell that I put her right back into danger."

2017-01-07 [Cerulean Sins]: "I am. I forgot how beautiful my wings were." Luciana smiled as she put her wings away. "So where's dad?"

"Blowing up islands cause you died and no one has told him your reborn now." Wrath shrugged.

"Oh Jo....."Roman frowned."You need to have more faith in yourself."

2017-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at Wrath, "Maybe leave him there a bit? I did pinch his ear pretty hard.."

Jo just smiled a little, losing all of her nerve to stay here, to be with him. "Anyway. I didn't want to leave without saying thank you... And goodbye.."

2017-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Leave who where?" Lilith asked as she walked into the kitchen, pushing the twins in their pram.

"Dad is blowing up Auntie Eden's islands again cause I got killed by Uncle Michael but I managed to trap him in one of the rivers before I died. I was reborn like an hour or two a go and I've been here eating." Luciana said with a shrug.

"Be careful out there, Jo and if you ever need me...well I'll be there." Roman said softly.

2017-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette flinched a little, "And I pinched his ear so.. You know.. I suggested he could stay there a bit longer." She smiled guiltily.

Jo nodded, "I won't be dragging you down anymore." She promised before turning away quickly and walking.

2017-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith sighed softly."Look after the twins. I'll go get him." She opened up a portal and went to see her husband. "Lucifer!" She scowled.

"Dad's in trouble." Luciana chuckled as she walked over to her baby brother and sister.

Roman frowned as he watched her leave.

2017-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette cringed. "I didn't mean to get him in trouble." she looked at Wrath.

Lucifer looked up from where he was sitting. He smiled a little. "Hi.." he was watching life returning to the island already.

Jo wiped tears away as she walked. She was doing the right thing. Wasn't she?

2017-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana chuckled."Dad won't be in trouble with Lilith for very long."

Lilith sat down next to him on the sandy beach and she wrapped her arms around him."What are you doing?"

Roman knew she would be okay because he had dusted her with a protection dust.

2017-01-08 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little.

Lucifer sighed, "I'm just thinking."

Jo walked out of the front gates and then broke into a run.

2017-01-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana picked up Lucian."Your going to be trouble, Lucian. I can feel it. More trouble than me, that's for sure." She smiled as she rocked her little brother.

"About?" Lilith asked softly as she kissed his cheek.

2017-01-09 [GlamGamer]: Andre raised a brow as he put the cake together, "Are you sure that's possible?"

Lucifer sighed softly. "My brother.. He wasn't always so.. Full of hate."

2017-01-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked over at Andre with one eyebrow raised."Excuse me? How much trouble do you think I am? I'm not that bad."

Wrath scoffed and shook his head.

Lilith nodded."I know love. Time changes people, you know this." She sighed softly."if Michael hadn't been trapped in the river then many more races would be enslaved, dead or worse."

2017-01-09 [GlamGamer]: "Not that bad compared to what? A hurricane?" Andre teased as he put the finishing touches on the cake.

Antoinette giggled, "Oh.. You are so dead."

Lucifer nodded. "I know."

2017-01-09 [Cerulean Sins]: "Be grateful I have my baby brother in my arms or I would hurt you so badly that you would never speak to me again." Luciana glared at him.

"I'm sorry about Michael, love. I truly am." Lilith said softly.

2017-01-09 [GlamGamer]: Andre just smiled. "But then I couldn't make you triple chocolate cake."

Lucifer put an arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Oh well."

2017-01-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fair point."Luciana glared.

Lilith looked up at Lucifer."Luciana got reborn. That French Fae King is making her food."

2017-01-10 [GlamGamer]: Andre just kept smiling. Not phased by her glaring anymore.

Lucifer nodded a little, "He's a good friend to her."

2017-01-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith nodded a little."He is but I wonder if he is more than that."

2017-01-14 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at her, "What do you mean?" He groaned, "Both of my kids fell for French faries?"

2017-01-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith chuckled softly."Love you fell in love with a human and humans are at the bottom of the food chain." She kissed his cheek. "Luciana and Andre to my knowledge haven't done anything or said anything about being a couple. I could be wrong but I am very rarely wrong, love."

2017-01-17 [GlamGamer]: "You're not just any human." Lucifer said softly and shook his head, "Well.. I guess that means I have to apologize.."

2017-01-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "I haven't been human for a very long time, love." Lilith raised an eyebrow at him."Apologize to who and why?"

2017-01-17 [GlamGamer]: "To Andre for trying to choke him to death." Lucifer said softly.

2017-01-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "I would only apologize when they actually tell us they are mates or dates. At this moment in time he is her friend and nothing more." Lilith said softly.

2017-01-17 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly, "Got it, friends are ok to potentially kill. Not boyfriends/girlfriends... Gotta go through this twice more."

2017-01-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well at least with the twins you have a while to go until they start dating." Lilith smiled.

2017-01-17 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled softly, "True.. Still. Time seems to fly."

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Seems like yesterday that Luciana was welding her first sword and Wrath was learning to fly." Lilith smiled.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, smiling. "That was a good year."

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Now lets go back to Hell and you can welcome Luciana back while I feed the twins. My breasts are aching which means its lunch time for the evil twins." Lilith sighed.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, smiling. He leaned in and kissed her lightly. Then he stood, taking her hand and walking back through the portal.

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith kissed him back, held his hand and walked through the portal to Hell.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer head back with her, smiling a little when he saw Luciana sitting there with half a cake and fork.

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was sitting on the kitchen counter with her cake and a fork, just munching away when her dad and Lilith appeared."Hey dad." She said with a mouthful of cake.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled, "Hey kid."

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana swallowed the cake that was in her mouth."So I take it you missed me that much you started blowing up Auntie Eden's islands? She's going to be so pissed at you." She grinned.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer wave a hand at that, "It was my island first." He chuckled, "And it gives her a new project."

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "That won't stop her from being a little angry. So rebirth gave me my old wings back." Luciana smiled a little.

"That's wonderful. Maybe your father should try rebirth, he might get his wings back." Lilith said softly.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled a little and kissed her cheek, "Good." He looked at Lilith and shook his head, "Three rebirths, I haven't gotten my wings back." He'd never told her about his rebirths, he'd never told anyone.

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Lilith raised an eyebrow."You died three times?! And you didn't tell me?" She narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

"Ummm....guys lets go to another room." Luciana said softly as she got off the counter and started walking out the room with her cake.

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer held up a hand, "Once was a freak accident, it's rather embarrassing to talk about. The other two were me being stupid."

Andre looked at Luciana, "I wanna hear.." He grinned a little, knowing she would probably smack him, walking with her to the next room.

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana rolled her eyes."Shut up Andre." She said as she went to the next room with Andre, Antoinette and Wrath. She took the twins too.

Lilith glared."Tell me how you died all three times or I swear I will make your life worse."

2017-01-18 [GlamGamer]: Andre just grinned, helping with the twins.

Lucifer sighed a little, "Ok, well, the first time I fell off a cliff- I was supposed to meet you for a midnight date that night and well... I saw a couple of flowers I wanted for you and fell.. When I came back you were so pissed at me, and then I got mad that you would think I would do that, that I let you think it.. Second time I was trying to make a hybrid creature- this was when I was trying to create hell hounds. I did a wolf and bear combo. Great creature... Not so loyal though. It basically ate me.. And then Michael killed me once, not with his sword which is why it didn't stick."

2017-01-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "I remember that midnight date." Lilith said softly with a frown. "You died getting me flowers?" She smiled a little and kissed him.

2017-01-19 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled, "Well, trying. I don't remember if I actually got to them."

Jo had left the estate, finding a train and getting on it without the employees saw here. Alone with just the French countryside and her thoughts she closed her eyes and let the tears start to fall. "Idiot girl." She said softly.

2017-02-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Three months after the death of the Archangel Michael everything had turned to normal. The supernatural world had found a sense of calm or so they thought when Antoinette had came back from the dead. The Fae council wanted nothing to do with her or have her as their Queen since she is now Fallen. Now Andre will be crowned King in two weeks time while Antoinette is refused the crown.

Luciana was in Fae Royal castle walking down a hallway shouting at Andre."I don't want to talk about this, Andre. You can't make me speak about this! Don't ruin everything." She snapped as she tried to get away from him but he wasn't backing down from her. He kept on following her, determined to speak to her about their relationship.

Rosetta carefully walked into the Royal living area, with Thorn covering her eyes. He had said he had a surprise for her, she had no clue what it or who it was. She had no idea that Antoinette was sitting on the sofa sipping some green tea. "What did you get me, Thorn? Is it something for the baby?" She had told Thorn and Damien last night that she was two months pregnant. She was so excited to be a mum. "Can I open my eyes yet? Teddy! What is the surprise? Tell meeeeeeee!" She smiled with her arms out in front of her as she tries to feel for her present.

Claude was in Spain with his whole family and Victoria. He family liked Victoria, well part from his Auntie but then again his Auntie doesn't like anyone. He was pulling on his shoes because he and Victoria where going to the family BBQ."So are you over your nerves yet?" he asked with a grin. He had the engagement ring in his pocket because he was going to ask Victoria to marry him tonight.

2017-02-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a bit, "Well at least stop and tell me why on earth you think it's going to ruin everything Luciana. You can't just say something like that and then walk away."

Thorn smiled a little and kissed her neck lightly, "Almost there." He stopped her once they were there in the middle of the living room. "Ok.." He lifted his hands away from her eyes and stepped back, ready to plug his ears if he needed to.

Antoinette had figured they wouldn't want her, and since the council had the legal right to deny her the throne, she had instead stepped down with no fuss. The announcement that she was alive would go out tomorrow when they announce Andre as King. She was going to each of her friends as fast as she could so they heard it from her and not someone else. She smiled a little at Rosetta, "Hi.." She fidgeted with her darker hair nervously.

Victoria gave herself a once over and sighed a little, "No." She said as she walked out of the bathroom where she'd changed. When they got into town she'd felt so out of place with the family. Her clothes were all, well, imposing and out of place with his family. So she'd gone shopping with many of the girls earlier, had them help her pick out new clothes. "I look stupid." she said softly, fidgeting with the pale blue sundress.

2017-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana growled and turned around to face him. "Because if we cock it up then...we lose each other, dumbass. We stay friends forever because relationships with any Morningstar always ends with heartache. Take a look at the many times my dad hurt Lilith over and over again but because she loves him she kept on going back to him. Wrath knows he'll drive Anotinette away which is why he is taking it so slow with her. And me? I'm stopping whatever we are before it begins." She ranted, hands waving and her heart breaking but she knew this was the best thing she could do for him.

Rosetta's face dropped when she saw Antoinette."Thorn....Teddy Antoinette's a ghost...." She whispered just before she fainted.

Claude looked over at her with a smile."You look wonderful." He said as she walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

2017-02-12 [GlamGamer]: Andre rolled his eyes. "Seriously Luciana? You're using the fact that your dad can't keep it in his pants as a reason we can't be together?" He got in her face, voice going low. "I'm not your father. I'm not your brother. And neither are you. Your name doesn't make you who you are or determine how you act. You do." he stepped back, throwing his hands in the air. "Fine. Have it your way Luciana. Just friends for the rest of our god forsaken lives. I have shit to do."

Antoinette was the fastest to react, catching her with vines. "I thought she might do that. Pregnant huh?" she smirked a little. "You two didn't waste time making an heir." she teased. She moved Rosetta to the couch.

Victoria smiled a little, kissing him back. "If it was anyone else I don't think I'd believe them." she said softly before taking a deep breath. "Is your aunt going to hate me forever?" she asked after walking to the nightstand and putting in her earnings.

2017-02-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fine. I'm scared. Is that what you want to hear? I'm the one that is scared that I'll cock it up and ruin everything. I don't want to hurt you but if putting an end to us before it starts well I'd rather do that than cause us anymore heartache." Luciana said with a sigh as she looked at the ground, not even brave enough to admit it to his face. Her pride wouldn't allow it.

Rosetta was only out for a few seconds, she sat up and looked over at Thorn and Damien."I see dead people...." she whispered. "I saw Antoinette. I've gone more insane than I already am."

"Yup but don't worry about it. She hates anyone that isn't blood related to her." Claude shrugged.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre stopped, he'd been walking away from her. He stopped, walking over to her, lifting her chin. "How about this.. If you're tired of me, for any time at all. Just tell me. You've never been shy about telling me before."

Antoinette smiled, "Not dead.. Reborn. The angel part of me is now an angel of Hell." she said softly, "God apparently wanted to give Wrath a chance at love and I'm it.."

Victoria smiled a little. "So.. If I give her some grand nieces and nephews I don't have to worry about her being mean?" she wasn't all that sure they could have kids though.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana didn't like feeling this vulnerable, it wasn't a nice feeling. She'd rather take on Michael in a fight than have this talk with Andre. "I can't Andre...even though I want too but I just can't. Relationships have never been my strong suit."

Rosetta looked over at Antoinette with big green eyes."Your...alive?" she whispered then she moved a little closer to Antoinette and poked his arm gently."You are alive...." She hugged her tightly as she started sobbing loudly while saying 'your alive' over and over again.

Claude grinned slightly but shook his head."Nope. She still hates dad and all my brothers and sister in laws."

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre sighed heavily. "I'm not going to force you. I just wanted an answer. But if you wanted to avoid heartbreak, well.. You failed. I really do need to go. I have a council meeting." He said after a moment before walking away.

Antoinette held her close and smiled a little, "I'm sorry for the pain I caused. We had to be safe because of Michael.. Believe me, when he finally did find out he was livid.. And willing to come into Hell to get me."

"Oi.." Victoria rolled her eyes at that. "Maybe I'll invite her over for dinner." Victoria smirked, playfully flashing her fangs.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stood in hallway watching him leave."I'm sorry..." she whispered then she opened up a portal to hell and went home. Once in Hell she screamed in anger and went to the guards training room to kick their asses.

Rosetta held onto Antoinette tightly."Your alive...." she smiled. She was so happy that she couldn't stop crying.

Claude chuckled."You wouldn't be the first to try that."

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Once Andre got to the council meeting he walked over the bar on the side, pouring a rather large glass of bourbon and then walked to the head of the table. "Let's start."

"Are you alright M-"

"I said let's start." He said firmly before taking a gulp of the bourbon.

Antoinette chuckled softly, "Mmhmm. I've been in Hell.. Somehow I got even more pale, I think. So it's no surprise you thought I was a ghost." She chuckled softly. "And you, you're pregnant!"

Victoria grinned, "That does no surprise me actually." She kissed him softly, "I promise not to eat any of your family..I guess." She smiled.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana couldn't see anyone in the training room. So she left the castle and went into town to a bar. She needed a drink and away from her family.

Rosetta looked up at Antoinette."Your alive....I can't believe it..." she whispered as more tears ran down her face.

Claude kissed her back."Good now lets go enjoy the BBQ."

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre listened as they discussed all of the rebuilding that needed to be done, and how much it was going to cost. In the back of his mind though he was fighting with himself. On the one hand he wanted to respect her wishes, if she wanted to just stay friends and he really did love her then he was acting like a real asshole.. So maybe it was just lust?

Antoinette gently wiped the tears away. "Yup.. I have new wings. Oh, they're so pretty, and Wrath taught me how to properly fly.. Except it still scares the bejeezus out of me... Andre is going to remain King though.. The council fears Hell's influence on me now will only cause more problems."

Victoria nodded a bit, following him out of their room and outside.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked into the bar, glaring as she walked up to the bar and ordered herself a large gin and tonic. She downed her drink and ordered another just as some demon started flirting with her. She turned to him and punched him in the gut."Fuck off." She snarled then she turned back to her drink.

"Fucking bitch...." The demon growled and smacked Luciana on the back with a pool cue.

Luciana flinched slightly and got off the bar stool then she fought with the guy and any other demons that got in her way. While she was fighting she wondered if she should just let Andre go so he could find a nice Fae girl to marry. She knew the Fae council would never let them be together. Maybe she should just let him go....he'll definitely be a lot more happier with someone other than her. She was just so confused.

"Your...alive..." Rosetta whispered, she still couldn't wrap her mind around it.

Claude walked through the families villa and went out to the back yard.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre looked over the budget concerns, sighing a little. "Let's start the emergency repairs.. Set up easy temporary housing while we work to rebuild the cities and people's homes." Andre went over their temporary housing model, making improvements that would help cut costs while housing more people, "We can decrease military again."

Antoinette nodded, "Woke up in hell, in the throne room, butt naked with new hair and new wings."

Victoria walked with him, looking around. The villa was so much more inviting than the mansion they called home. Course at home all of the windows were blacked out by curtains- even though sun wouldn't kill them it was irritating. She didn't mind the sun though, not as much as many other vampires did.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana had caused a full on bar brawl, she was talking on anyone that got in her way. She needed to get this anger and heartbreak out of her with the only way she knew fighting.

"How?" Rosetta asked with a teary smile.

Claude family greeted Claude and Victoria with waves, smiles and hugs.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre sighed a little as the council argued on whether they should lower military yet. he sat back and finished his drink.

Antoinette smiled, "Only way we can guess is that God granted me to become a Fallen Angel.."

Victoria smiled and hugged, quickly taken from Claude by his sisters, cousins and such.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana's fight didn't last long enough. Once everyone was knocked out she sat back down on her stool and sipped her drink."Yup...just gonna let him go. I don't want to but I have too..." she whispered softly to herself as she finished the last of her drink. Discovering what she needed to do...brought tears to her eyes and a great sadness to her soul.

Rosetta hugged Antoinette tightly."I'm so glad your alive."

"Bruh we're stealling your girl, k?" Clara shouted as she took victoria away grom Claude.

"K! But I want her back tho, sis!" Claude shouted back.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: While they argued Andre pulled out his phone. He texted Luciana, "Sorry I was such a bull. I wasn't being a very good friend to you."

Antoinette hugged her back and smiled, "Me too."

Victoria waved to Claude before turning to Clara, "What are we doing?" She smiled.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana picked up her phone and read the his text. She sighed and helped herself to another drink. Once she sat back down she texted him back.Don't be sorry. Never be sorry....

"So how is Hell?" Rosetta asked.

"Doing what we do best. Drinking." Clara chuckled.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre smiled a little, Friends?

Antoinette sighed, "Good.. Interesting. Wrath gave me a hell hound.. Lucifer is annoyed that I named her Baby.." She grinned a bit.

Victoria nodded, "Oh, I definitely like this." She chuckled softly.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana wiped her tears away and replyed back to him.Always...

Rosetta chuckled."Thats brave." She jumped a little and clapped her hands."I'm pregnant and will you be godmother? "

Clara grinned."Fancy a bloody mary vampire style?"

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded a bit and sighed softly, then turned back to the meeting. "Look, find a place to cut back the military spending. I'm not putting our people further into dept keeping up an army we don't need right now."

Antoinette smiled a little, "You want me as godmother?"

Victoria nodded, "Please."

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah...friends." Luciana sighed as she poured herself another drink.

Rosetta nodded."Damian was always going to be godfather to my children. Damian hasn't even gotten a choice in the matter. But Thorn and I talked about who to pick as godmother. We both really struggled because you where the only one I wanted. Anyways will you be godmother?"

Clara smiled and whipped up a vampire bloody mary, using her own blood."I think you'll like this."

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Andre looked to his phone and sighed a little, not knowing what else to text at this point though.

Antoinette smiled, "I would be honored." She said softly.

"Thank you." She smiled.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: We need to speak about this in person and try and be calm. Hopefully we won't lose our cools again. Luciana texted as she sipped her drink.

"YAY!!!!" Rosetta cheered and she looked over at Thorn."We have a godmother now." She smiled happily.

Clara finished making the drink and held it out to Victoria."Try it." She smiled.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: If this meeting ever ends. I hate politics. Andre replied after a bit.

Thorn nodded and smiled, "One with a hell hound."

Victoria smiled, sipping it.

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Don't we all... Luciana texted back and she left the bar when the demons started waking up. She walked home,muttering about how fucked up she was.

Rosetta smiled."And a big cuddly teddy bear too."

Clara mixed up drinkings for the others.

2017-02-13 [GlamGamer]: Well, I imagine they'd all be too nervous to 'polietly' point out how you're an idiot.. Apparently I am.

Thorn chuckled, "Most protected child on Earth I think.."

Victoria nodded, "This is amazing."

2017-02-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Not all the time... Luciana texted once she got home.

Rosetta smiled as she held onto Antoinette tightly.

Clara grinned."Thank you."

2017-02-15 [GlamGamer]: Your brother doesn't count ;)

Antoinette returned the hug, "I have other news.. Wrath is taking me on a sate tonight. Finally." She chuckled softly

Victoria smiled, "You're even better at making drinks than Claude." She chuckled softly, "Just don't tell him I said that."

2017-02-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Hahahaha... Luciana typed as she walked into the castle then to her room.

Rosetta smiled brightly."Ooooohhhh....Finally. It's so overdue."

"Don't worry honey. He already knows. Not because he's listening to your voice in the air. It's a little trick. We can use our powers to give us hearing of a were creature by listening to the sound waves in the air. Anyways, no one in this family is better than me at making the boozy drinks." Clara chuckled.

2017-02-15 [GlamGamer]: Andre texted her that he would call later before setting his phone down and starting to plan the temporary cities and such.

Antoinette chuckled. "I know!" she smiled a bit. "I'm actually nervous though.."

Victoria smiled a little. "Ah, so he's cheating now." she chuckled. Earlier he'd teased her saying she was 'cheating' because she could hear him through walls and such.

2017-02-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Luicana walked into her room, closed and locked the door behind her. She sat down on her bed and started sobbing because she knew she would have to give Andre. He deserved better than her and he is a good king to the Fae people. She knew the Fae council would never let the daughter of Lucifer marry the King. So it would be best for her to give up now and let Andre find a nice Fae noble to marry. If she refused him then she would have to cut off all ties to him. It would be hard but she would have to do it.

"You'll be fine. He loves you, so nothing can go wrong." Rosetta smiled.

Clara frowned."Cheating?"

2017-03-02 [Cerulean Sins]: 30 years later and the world and realms have been enjoying the peace since Michael's banishment. Now the followers of Michael, the dark angels, are seeking there revenge...and this time they plan on carrying out Michael's plans.

Luciana had let Andre go because she knew his kingdom needed him more and she was scared to let anyone get that close to her. So she let him go and watched him marry another and have a happy life. Over the past 30 years she has helpes rebuilt Mystic Academy, she became the Vice Principal and shes also a teacher. She teaches self defense classes to those who aren't in the protector classes. Luciana was in her office with Andre's son."You do know your in a lot of trouble, right? I've had to call your parents and they're on the way here." She sighed. "I understand being royalty is hard, trust me kid, I know its not easy. Try being the daughter of Lucifer. Now all I need is the names of those kids who helped you. If you don't then...your punishment will be a lot worse." She said firmly. She had a feeling her sister Oriana and her brother Lucian where involed some how.

Rosetta smiled as she looked around at the big family BBQ. It was a time of great happiness for her to be surrounded by her children, her family and Damian's family but a small part of her reminds her every day that she'll watch them all grow older and die one day.

Wrath walked into the throne room, he winced a little becauae he had just walked in on Oriana storming off and shouting how much she hates him."Its like having a mini Luciana around." He chuckled as he walkes over to his father."I've been hearing some rumours and they aren't good." He frowned.

2017-03-02 [GlamGamer]: Andre had married someone, a political marriage when the council said he couldn't wait any longer. There was some level of love between them now, after so many years, and since they had their son. Still, things could be tense between them since she wanted more kids and he was fine with just the one. They were in the limo, being driven to the school because of Josiah's behavior. Andre was working on paperwork, trying to ignore the nasty looks his wife was sending his way every few minutes. He sighed, setting the paper work down, "What Clara?"
"Don't 'what Clara' me in that tone of voice Andre. We are on our way to our son's school. Our son's school which is filled with angles, demons, vampires and all manner of creatures because our son, our son, got in trouble. Out of any of the students there our son is in trouble. And you're more concerned about what? What could possibly be more important."

Josiah looked at her. He finally had friends, or at least something that could resemble friendship and there was no way he was going to jeopardize it. "I understand the consequences of my actions Miss Morningstar." He said quietly, taking a deep breath. "Wait, you called both of my parents? And both are coming? Must be fighting." He muttered the last part.

"Stop thinking about it." Thorn said softly as he came up behind her, placing his hands on her hips and kissing her neck. "Think of the happy things."

Damion picked up his youngest, "What have I said about going bear at BBQ's" He said, only slightly scolding his son. He could say he was going to scare Rosetta's youngest, but the two were just like he and Rosetta.

"Go back to school and take ownership for what you did!" Lucifer shouted after her and sighed heavily, falling into his chair. he looked at Wrath, "Please tell me it's something to go to war over. All this peace is driving me crazy.." He grumbled, only half meaning it.

Antoinette picked up her son, the youngest of their kids. With three kids Wrath said they were done, at least for now. With their baby, Salem, being the youngest and a year old now, she was positive she wanted another one. An even number, that's what she would tell him. Course, how she'd gotten Salem was by insisting the fighting between the other two would slow down with a little sibling to entertain them. "Daddy's going to be mad at mommy." She told Salem, who just giggled at her.

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your Majesties, we're at the school now." The Limo driver said through the intercom as he parked infront of the school.

"Yes, of course I called both your parents." Luciana narrowed her eyes a little but she glanced out the window and saw the Fae limo, her heart stopped a little because this was going to be the first time in 30 years she's seen Andre. She had avoided him like the plague when she told him that they will never be together and he should move on and find love with another. Of course that had caused a huge fight but it would seem he had listened to her and found love again. Maybe they where soul mates after all. She sighed a little."Your parents are here. This is your last chance to tell me who helped you."

Rosetta smiled a little but it was a sad smile."I can't help it, Thorn but its moments like these we'll treasure forever." She whispered.

Bluebell, Rosetta's youngest, ran over to Damion and hugged his legs."Hi!" She cheered happily, looking up at him with a big smile on her face. She's the double of Rosetta, her mini me.

"Fuck no!" Oriana shouted then she bumped into her mum."Ummm...hi." She grinned a little then she yelped when her mum pinched her ear and dragged her to the portal room."OW! Mum let go!"

"No. Your sister texted me telling me and your father what happened at school. It was uncalled for and you shouldn't of let that poor Fae Prince take the blame. So you and your brother are going back to school and you will tell your sister what happened or else." Lilith snarled as she dragged her daughter to the portal room, she's already trapped her son, Lucian in there.

"Well yes. Rumour is that the Angels that followed Michael are going to finish what he started. They call themselves the Dark Angels of Michael." Wrath said bluntly.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: "I accept the consequences of my actions. Despite being royal, I'm not a whining tattle-tale. I chose to do what I did. I got caught. I will take responsibility for it." Josiah said softly, looking outside at the limo. His moms was out first, before the driver could come let her out. "They're fighting again. That means mother is going to be in a poor mood.. Just a heads up."

Andre watched his wife storm off, looking at the driver as he got out. "Thank you Pierce." He buttoned his suit and sighed softly, looking up at the school before walking in after his wife. "Clara, you don't know where to go."
Clara glared at him, "Oh, and you do?"
"Antoinette told me when we decided to send Josiah here."
"Why is your cousin always thinking the worst of him, hmm? We decide to send him here and she what? Tells you the vice principal's office location because she thinks he'll be trouble?"
"She told me because the vice principal is her sister in law and we were friends once. Long time ago." Andre said and walked to the stairs after taking her hand.

"Hi little blue." Damion said, picking her up in his other arm. "You look so good I could just eat you up." He teased and pretended to 'eat' her cheeks, tickling her with his fuzzy beard.

Thorn nodded, "I know.. And their weddings, birth of grand babies. The family bbq after that. More weddings, more babies. And we get to watch over Damion's kin." He kissed her cheek. "Happy with the sad."

Lucien was grumbling and pacing in the portal room, "He's probably already snitched anyway mom. So what does it matter if we go tell Luciana? She can't prove we did anything anyway."

Lucifer raised his brow a little, "I was mostly kidding.. Do you know where they're setting up bases or are they still pretty underground?"

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked over at Josiah."Your just like your father." She said softly then she looked out the window and briefly cause Andre. She wasn't sure if she could do this but she had to. She had to face him, it won't be that bad.

Bluebell squealed with laughter as he pretended to eat her face.

Rosetta smiled and kissed his cheek. "At least I'll never lose you."

Lilith raised an eyebrow."Shut the fuck up both of you." She snapped as she let Oriana go once in the portal room. "How dare you get the Fae Prince in trouble. He's family. Now get into that portal." She snarled as she grabbed her childrens hands and dragged them into the portal to mystics.

"Still Underground but becoming a bit active." Wrath said with a sigh.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Josiah smiled a little, "I'd rather not be like my mom. I love her.. But, she's crazy."

Clara and Andre made their way to her office. Once at Luciana's office, Clara burst into the office without knocking. "Josiah la Roiux Montegue! What have you done? Who put you up to it? Why are you doing this? Are you doing drugs? Alcohol? Unprotected sex?"
Andre followed his wife in, "Clara, please." He looked at Josiah, "I'll address you in a moment, think carefully about what you'll be saying." He turning to Luciana. "Miss Morningstar." He wanted to call her Luciana, but they weren't that close anymore. Not after thirty years. It hit him like a freight truck, being near her again did everything it used to to his head, heart and body.

"Why do you think we're even talking to him. He's a freakin stick in the mud. And no one talks to him. Most powerful Prince on Earth or something." Lucien snorted

Lucifer nodded, "I'll have the war room dusted and we can start working on pinpointing habits and such."

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was still facing the window when Andre and Clara came into her office, she couldn't help but smile a little at Clara's concern for her son. It was very clear she loves and adores him. It gave her hope she had made the right choice 30 years ago. She froze a little when she heard Andre's voice, her whole body reacted, her old feelings returned to her. She turned around and bowed to them."Thank you for coming on such notice, your majesties." She said in a professional manner then she took a seat. "Please sit and we can get started." Yup she would rather fight Michael one on one than be in a room with Andre and his family, it was totally awkward for her.

Once in Mystic Lilith dragged them to Luciana's office. "I am sick to death with your behaviour. I fucking raised both of you better than this. " She snapped.

"She's gone off the deep end." Oriana whispered to Lucien with a grin.

"I've sent messages out to the circle members to come here tonight at 9pm." Wrath said. The Circle Members are the heads of each race within the supernatural world.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Clara gave Andre a death glare. The woman was not good at hiding her emotions at all. She took a seat and a deep breath before looking at Luciana. "I apologies. You must think I'm horribly rude. It's just. He's never done anything like this before. Not at any of his other schools. We hoped Mystic would be a positive change. Now I'm worried."

Andre ruffled Josiah's hair when his son gave him a worried look, then he took a seat. "Well he has friends at least dear." He said, trying to lighten his wife's mood. The comment earned him another look, less severe than the first though. He looked at Luciana, "Miss Morningstar this is my wife Clara Montegue. Clara, this is Luciana Morningstar."

Clara took a deep breath again, "Andre, no matter how good of friends you may have been you should still address her with her formal title." She looked at Luciana, "Lady Morningstar. It's a pleasure to put a face to the name. Antoinette speaks of you often. I'm sorry to be meeting you this way though and not for something pleasant.. Exactly what has Josiah done?"

Lucien nodded, eyes going a little big. Then he smirked, "Mom.. We are the children of Satan remember? The big bad guy of the stories?"

Lucifer nodded, "Good.. Have you told Antoinette yet?"

Damion chuckled softly at her laughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek before setting the pair down on the blanket filled with toys for them.

Antoinette adjusted Salem in her arms and walked to the portal room. "Stay." She said to the Hell hounds that followed her around. She stepped through the portal to Rosetta's home. "You want to see auntie Rose? Hmm?" She kissed her son's cheek and walked through the halls to the back yard where the BBQ was taking place.

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded to Clara."Please call me, Luciana. I hate to think what stories she's told you." She sipped her coffee and leaned back in her chair."The first week back to school is always full of parties but its also know as prank week. Some students play harmless pranks but todays prank was far from harmless. Thankfully your son was just the look out. The real trouble makers are Oriana and Lucien Morningstar, my younger siblings. The prank they pull was to make weed brownies and sneak them into the kitchen before lunch started. The students that ate the brownies became high, some started fights. Weed takes different effects on different creatures. I've had to send all the students home to recover." She looked at Josiah."I highly advice you to stay away from the Twins. They are nothing but trouble." She said calmly like she was talking about the weather.

Lilith dragged them into the waiting room."Sit down and don't move." She snarled. She never thought her own kids would stress her out this much.

"Someones touchy." Oriana smirked as she sat down.

Wrath nodded."Yes, she's away to tell Rosetta, Thorn and Damion about the meeting."

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Clara shoulder's slumped momentarily with her disappointment. She straightened them out and nodded as her mind tried to wrap around what she'd said. Then her face clouded with concern. "Do you know where they got the weed?" She asked quietly.

Josiah frowned a little, "Mom."

"Not a word Josiah, not unless it's the absolute truth." Andre said sternly. His dad voice was serious, there was no messing with him when he used it.

"I did not use my powers to grow weed. I would need a leaf or something like that since I've never grown it." Josiah said simply, still frowning because he couldn't believe his parents would think he would actually use his powers to grow it. He was almost mad enough to point out that he hadn't even known what the twins were doing in the kitchen, just that they stopped and asked him to keep an eye out. He set his jaw and crossed his arms, sitting back in his chair.

Lucien nodded, "We should get her a brownie." He snickered.

Lucifer nodded, then sighed, "Wrath.. I pray your children are never as big of assholes as my two youngest." He rubbed his temples. It was like he could feel Lilith's temper rising even though she was no where near him. "This will be a nice distraction, as long as it never gets as bad as the original war."

Antoinette walked outside, grinning a little at the guards when they looked startled to see her. "Darlings, how often do I just pop in? You think you'd get used to it!" She teased before walking over to the family, "Hello!" She sang out.

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. I don't but I will find out." Lucian calmly then she looked at Josiah."Your punishment is to spend every weekend for a month volunteering in the soup kitchen/ homeless shelter I run. Its for human and supernatural beings. Your getting off much easier than the Twins will be." She sipped her coffee. "Your highness, if you would like to wait out in the waiting room, I need to discuss something with your parents." She smiled a little.

Oriana snickered."Defo. Old hag needs one."

Lilith pulled her phone out of her bag and called Lucifer. She knew he would stop her from killing the twins.

Rosetta looked over and smiled."Antoinette!" She cheered.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Josiah nodded, "Yes Ma'am." He said as he stood up and walked out of the office to the waiting room. He saw the twins, but still sat away from them. His mother would go ape if he went and sat with them, talked to them, even if he looked in their direction.

Lucien smirked a bit and looked at Josiah, "He's not dead, so he must have ratted us out. Told you he would." He whispered to his sister.

Lucifer looked at his phone, "Speak of the devils." He said, answering, "If you kill them, they'll just be reborn here. I think at this age their asshole-ness will just compound and they'll be worse."

Antoinette smiled and waved, "Hey! How are you?" She walked over and hugged her.
Baby Salem just smiled brightly and started clapping.

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your son is a wonderful student, he gets good grades and I don't want him falling into a bad group like the Twins. Being friends with Morningstars never ends well." She sighed softly."Queen Rosetta's daughter has just started Mystic, Princess Lily and the Vampire Queen Victoria's son, Prince Casmir has just started as well. Both children are shy. I thought since your son has been here he hasn't made any friends yet, I think Lily and Casmir might be good for him. I'll tell him tomorrow that its apart of the buddy scheme." She chuckled softly. "He'll see right through my plan but he's smart enough to go along with it." She glanced at Andre."You know he'll be safe with Rosetta's daughter and Victoria's son."

"Luci doesn't kill anymore. She's gone soft, remember. We'll make the little fae suffer." Oriana whispered with a smirk.

"Come here now and deal with your children." Lilith snarled and hung up.

"The twins are troublesome." Wrath sighed.

Rosetta hugged her back."Oh I'm doing very well. The kids came home high as kites from weed brownies from school. I've had a call off Luciana saying it was the twins and Andre's boy. Andre and his wife are at the school with Luciana." She kissed baby Salem's cheek."Your so cute. Yes you are." She smiled. 

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: "Lilly's in high school now?" Andre shook his head a little, "I keep forgetting they were born almost the same week. It's crazy. I'm getting old."

Clara smacked his arm, "Shush, if you're getting old then so am I." She looked at Luciana, "Thank you. He's just. He's had such a hard time at other schools, we hoped something closer to home, well, our main home, would help. We'll talk to him as well. He'll be King one day, he needs to learn to make friends on his own."

Lucifer flinched a little, "I gotta go be big scary dad.. Doesn't seem to phase these two though." He stood, making his own portal and stepped through, "Beat your children Wrath. It will make it all so much easier." He said simply, mostly hoping the twins heard him. He wasn't sure they would believe him even if he said he would beat them though. He stepped through. If he wanted a fight with Lilith he would point out that she had wanted them in the first place. He didn't want a fight though. He turned to the kids, "So.. Who's idea was it?"

Lucien had been planning what they could do to him when their father showed up, so he shut up. Not because he feared his dad, he just didn't want Lucifer to hear them.

Antoinette's eyes got wide, "Lord above it is going to be World War three in Hell tonight." She shook her head, "Are they ok? Did any vampires have any? That's ultra dangerous for them; they go blood crazy and all."
Salem just let out a squeal and then reached out to be held by Thorn.

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Of course. Trust me, your majesty your son will learn what he needs too become King when he leaves Mystic. I promise you that." She finished the last of her coffee."Queen Clara, if you don't mind I business to briefly discuss with your husband. If you could join your son and your husband will be out in a moment."

Oriana looked at her dad with a smile."Hey daddy." She looked at her mother."Awwww can't handle the two of us and you have to call for back up? Awww cute but weak." She chuckled.

Lilith just stared at the twins with crazy eyes and like she wanted to hurt them. Her eyes changed colour, her nails grew to talons and her fangs grew as she hissed at them. She had a very short temper when it came to the twins. It would seem they could push all the right buttons to set her off. She lunged forward, grabbed both of them by the throat and pinned their heads to the wall."How dare you disrespect me? I am your mother, I am your Queen....I gave you life. I have had enough of you two."

"No vampires had any brownies." Rosetta shook her head."But didn't you hear me when I said that Luciana is having to see Andre again after 30 years of avoiding him? Gurl please tell me you heard me....I'm worried about her. I finally got her to agree to a blind date for next week."

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Clara nodded and smiled, "Of course. Thank you again." She stood and walked outside, just in time to see Lilith pin her kids against the wall. She let out a startled cry and jumped back.

Lucifer looked at Clara and smiled, "It's normal. I'll stop her before she kills them. You must be Josiah's mother. I'm Lucifer, the trouble maker's father.. Believe me. they won't be roping your son into anything else." He said, using his charm to lure Clara out of the door way so the door could close.

"They were such sweet babies." Andre said after checking that his wife was ok. He looked at Luciana, really looked at her this time. "It's good to see you Luci." He said softly.

Antoinette nodded, "I did, I just wanted to make sure they aren't handling a massacre down at the school. She would need some wine. She's going to need the hard stuff tonight after seeing him." Antoinette scowled, "Those two are soulmates. Idiots, but soulmates. And now I have to deal with the crown hunting Clara as family. All because those two are idiots."

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana watched the door close then she looked over at Andre."It would seem that Michael's followers are out for revenge and to finish his master plan. The circle members are being gathered tonight at 9pm." She leaned back in her chair."They will come after your family because you helped take down Michael. Your son is an okay fighter but he wouldn't be able to take on an Angelic warrior. I am offering my time to train him up. I owe you that much."

Lilith swung them around and hurled them down onto the coffee table, which broke from impact."Say your sorry and fucking mean it or I'll kill you both and your father won't stop me!"

Oriana yelped when she got hurled onto the coffee table, which broke on impact."Fucccckkkkk....." She groaned and looked at her twin."We crossed the line..." She whispered as she rolled onto her side.

"You know Luciana she can handle a few vampires going out of control. What she can't handle is being around Andre. I feel so sorry for her but I can see why she did it. The Fae kingdom has never done so well before,Andre has worked wonders but I don't think he would have stayed King if he had been with Luciana." Rosetta said with a small frown.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a little and nodded. "I'd like to keep this from Clara. A good amount of her family was killed during the war. She's an emotional person; I'll tell her when I have more answers.. I want to be there for the first couple training sessions. I know you'll do well; you're a decent fighter." The was a tug of a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Lucien growled softly, arching his back before rolling over. "Your last comment didn't help." He muttered to his sister as he got to his feet and helped her up.

Josiah's eyes were wide as he watched Lilith, making a mental note not to piss off the Queen of Hell. He looked at Lucifer, "Sir.."

"Stay away from my asshole children. THey're only trouble and they will drag you down with them. You're a pawn, and you seem like a clever boy. Too clever to be a pawn." Lucifer said simply, clapping his shoulder, "Good boy."

Antoinette sighed a little, "He almost gave it up, just to be with her when she wouldn't even have him.. He couldn't do that to the people though.."

2017-03-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Of course, your majesty, I won't say anything to your wife. If you wish to supervise the training sessions then you are more than welcome too but I can reassure you, I won't hurt your son." Luciana stood up and walked over to the filter coffee pot she had in her office, she poured herself another cup. "Wrath was always the better fighter. If you like I can ask him to train your son instead, if you like?" She glanced over at him.

"Thanks."Oriana muttered when Lucien helped her up and she looked at her mother."No." She smirked.

Lilith's eyes went wider and she snarled, she grabbed their heads and knocked them together hard."Say your sorry now." She said in a low dangerous voice.

"And she knew how much his people needed him even if they would be both miserable. Such a sad love story." Rosetta sighed softly.

2017-03-03 [GlamGamer]: Andre smiled a little, "Luci, you'll be a great teacher. I know my son is in good hands. But, I want to make sure he's focused."

Lucien rubbed his head, "To whom Mother? Just you, or someone else?"

Lucifer jumped in now, not liking that tone to his wife. his eyes burned with hellfire. He closed his hand into a fist, controlling the demon part of them as he caused their insides to feel like they were on fire. It would hurt, but didn't actually damage them unless he wanted it to. He forced them to their knees, "You will never, ever speak to your mother, your Queen, like that again is that absolutely understood?"

Antoinette nodded, "I know.. But Clara?" She sighed heavily, "I love Josiah though." She smiled sadly, "I do love that boy. He's the only one who can understand Raine when she start jabbering on about science.. and math.."

Raine skipped into the throne room, looking for either her parents or her grandparents. She hadn't been affected by the pot brownies, but she'd still been sent home just in case, seeing as she'd snuck a brownie out of the kitchen before going to class. "Daddy?" She frowned a little

2017-03-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "Of course, your majesty. I understand." Luciana said as she sat her coffee down and she went to the office door."Dad could you not roast the twins alive in my waiting room, please?" She asked nicely. Her firey spirit had faded 30 years ago, she wasn't the same person she once was.

"Luci! Tell him to stop!" Oriana cried out in pain as her body jerked.

Luciana walked over to Lucifer and Lilith, she put one hand on Lilith's back and the other on her dads back."Please leave them be. I'll deal with this." She said softly as she took on the King and Queen of Hell.

"Clara is nice but...not the one for Andre." Rosetta sighed a little. "Oh bless her! She is such a cutie." She smiled.

"Princess Raine, your father is in the war room." One of the maids said softly with a kind smile.

2017-03-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre walked out to the waiting room behind Luciana. He wanted to reach out and touch her, instead he went to Clara, "Don't worry." He said gently, smiling, "They'll be ok."

Lucifer made it burn hotter briefly before releasing them. "Behave." He snarled.

Antoinette sighed softly, "I know.." She smiled, thinking of her eldest, "Oh Raine is my little lady, but my od.. She's going to finish school in four years, then what do I do with her.. She'll be an eleven year old high school graduate.."

Raine looked to her and smiled brightly, "Thank you.. I don't think you have to call me princess. Oriana said daddy's a bastard and not really a prince, which means I'm not a princess.. Bye!" She waved and skipped out to find her father.

2017-03-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Oriana stood up and helped Lucien to his feet."Thanks half breed."

"Your welcome. Now as for your punishment for the weed brownies you both will volunteer your time for a whole year at the soup kitchen I run,you both will work at the lunch room here washing dishes and I want a 2000 word essay on how working with humans and working in a low end job made you feel and how it will better yourself." Luciana said calmly. "Also your student ID bracelets you wear....well they have nullified your powers. You both won't get your powers back until I feel you have earned them."

"You dirty little bastard child! Your not worthy of the name Morningstar! How could yo do this to us? Fucking bitch." Oriana snapped.

"Very easily. All I did was flip a switch, even a bastard child like myself can do that." Luciana chuckled softly then she looked at her dad."Take them back to Hell and run Lilith a bubble bath. I think she needs it." She smiled softly.

"She'll do great things for the world, Antoinette. I can see it already." Rosetta smiled.

Wrath was in the war room getting everything ready for tonights meeting. It's been 30 years since he's been in this room back when they plotted to end Michael.

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